Come visit Grandma Libby at the Farm this summer to hear stories that will take you into the world of farm animals and characters that will give you a giggle or two along the way! The stories are written about the Granite State and includes meaningful places, people, and things. All New Hampshire!
Families of all ages are welcome! This program is FREE for members! Join us today for a summer of fun!
We’ll enjoy a story each week with a visit to somewhere on the farm, make a craft, a special snack, or learn a new song!
DAY: Every Friday from June 27 thru August 29.
TIME: 10-11:30 am
PLACE: At the Farm!
COST: Free to patrons with family memberships. $8 per child for non-members.

This program is FREE for members!
Join today for a summer of fun!
Please call (652-7840) or email the farm ([email protected]) each week to let us know you're coming! This allows us to make sure we have enough materials to share with each young visitor.
2025 Story Schedule
Friday, June 27
Celia Planted a Garden :The Story of Celia Thaxter and Her Island Garden by Phyllis Root and Gary D. Schmidt
Through this delightful picture book, children will meet Celia Thaxter who was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire but grew up with her family on Appledore Island off the coast of Maine. Her father worked as a lighthouse keeper. And Celia planted her garden with nearly sixty types of flowers. Following the story, we’ll plant flowers to take home just like the real Celia Thaxter did!
Friday, July 4
No Story on the Farm Today. Happy Fourth of July!
Friday, July 11
N is for New Hampshire by Rebecca Rule
N is for New Hampshire is an alphabet book that introduces children to the sights, landscape, culture and history of New Hampshire. From Androscoggin to Zealand Falls, N is for New Hampshire will charm children and adults alike. After Grandma Libby reads the story, we’ll have you help us write a farm museum version of our own. Fun fact: Rebecca Rule writes fiction, essays, and reviews from her home in Northwood, New Hampshire.
Friday, July 18
Good Night, New Hampshire by Adam Gamble
This book is part of the bestselling Good Night Our World series. Today we’ll discover Mount Washington, Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse, lakes, canoeists and kayakers, white tail deer, maple trees and syrup, covered bridges, apple orchards, general stores, sandy beaches, skating, skiing, and more. All right here in New Hampshire! (Did you know that in 2022, New Hampshire produced 167,000 gallons of maple syrup?) We’ll have a taste of New Hampshire maple syrup made from the farm’s own maple trees served over pancakes immediately following the story! Yummy!
Friday, July 25
Whispers on Winnipesaukee: A Haley Mae Story by Martha Kruse
When a young girl visits her grandparents who live nearby on Lake Winnipesaukee, she has many questions about the lake’s islands. You’ll learn about her eccentric Aunt Fizzie who shares the history of the Native Americans who once lived in the area, the loons, and more!
Friday, August 1
Thank You, Sarah! by Laurie Anderson
She was smart, she was determined, and she strived to revive the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving. Who was this woman? It was New Hampshire native Sarah Josepha Hale! Hale was born in 1789. She was the lady editress of Godey’s Lady’s Book, the most widely circulated magazine in the 1800’s. She loved to write children’s poetry and is best remembered for her famous Mary Had A Little Lamb poem. Listen to Grandma Libby as she tells the story of Sarah and her persistence to have one national day of Thanksgiving. It took 35 years and five Presidents before President Lincoln responded positively in 1863. After the story, we’ll take a walk to visit the sheep in their pastures. Please bring carrots, apples, or bread to feed these farmyard favorite animals.
Friday, August 8
On The Farm by David Elliott
From the barnyard chickens to the cows in the pastures, this handsome poetry collection is delightful as farmyard sounds and noises abound. After the story, we’ll learn a farmyard poem … then act it out. Following that, we’ll have a chance to meet the bunnies and the chickens. Please bring carrots or popcorn to feed our own barnyard friends! (Did you know that David Elliott lives in Warner, New Hampshire and is a New York Times bestselling children’s author?)
Friday, August 15
The Milkman’s Boy by Donald C. Hall
Before the days of modern milking equipment and techniques, the Graves Family Dairy had three horses that pulled the wagons to deliver milk to local families. Learn about the work that the family did and how they realized the importance of pasteurization. (Did you know that Donald C. Hall wrote this based on his early life on his family’s own New Hampshire Farm?) Join us in the 1940’s kitchen as we use milk to make Raspberry Dazzle! Yummy!
Friday, August 22
Old Home Day by Donald C. Hall
New Hampshire author Donald C. Hall describes the history of Old Home Day in the fictional town of Blackwater. Old Home Day is celebrated by 40 towns each year in New Hampshire. At its height, there were over 120 communities that celebrated Old Home Day. It was a way to get people to New Hampshire towns to encourage people who had moved away to come home. Townspeople decorated their homes and streets with flags and banners. We’ll make a flag to take home as a follow up.
Friday, August 29
The Legend of the Old Man of the Mountain by Denise Ortakales
For centuries the Old Man of the Mountain has kept silent watch from Cannon Mountain. But who is the onlooker? Come discover “Stone Face” as the Abenaki called it and learn about this New Hampshire icon with Grandma Libby. Then make a special bracelet fashioned with beads!