The New Hampshire Farm Museum

The New Hampshire Farm Museum consists of two adjoining farmsteads situated on 50 acres of Plummer’s Ridge in Milton, New Hampshire. The Jones Farm and Plummer Homestead each date back to the late 18th century and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In addition to our collection of historic buildings and barns, agricultural exhibits, displays, and collections, we are also a working farm, keeping a selection of heritage breed farm animals and a variety of gardens on the property.

The Farm Museum holds special events and programs on weekends throughout the year. We offer guided tours of the farm and the historic Jones farmhouse, exhibits, and displays on rural life and agriculture in New Hampshire. Workshops, school group visits, and day camps are also offered throughout the year.

In addition to being on the National Register of Historic Places, we are also a Blue Star Museum, we were named Yankee Magazine’s Best Day on the Farm for 2019, and we were a 2021 recipient of Northeast Credit Union’s Love Your Community grant.

The New Hampshire Farm Museum is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt educational organization.

Member of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce


The mission of the New Hampshire Farm Museum is to preserve, present, and carry forward New Hampshire's rural and agricultural heritage. We seek not only to conserve and preserve the artifacts of New Hampshire's rural past but to inquire carefully into the uses of those artifacts, considering the patterns of work and leisure in the daily lives of the people who used them. Our goal is to paint a full picture of our rural, agricultural history, to share this knowledge with as many people as possible, and to carry forward some of the practices, allowing our visitors to authentically experience rural farm life.

Trustees of the Farm Museum

The New Hampshire Farm Museum Board of Trustees is responsible for the welfare of the museum and its property. In addition to fundraising and overseeing the maintenance of the Jones Farm and Plummer homestead, the board’s role is to see that the organization carries out its mission. Although the trustees do not manage the day-to-day activities of the museum, they act as stewards – acting in good faith and in the best interests of the organization.

Board of Trustees

Joseph Bailey, President
Lance Robicheau, Vice President
Dean Giffin, Treasurer
John Quinn, Secretary

Paul Baron, Middleton
Steve Collins, Lebanon, Maine
Ralph Currier, Union
Stewart "Jock" McKenzie, Milton
Andrew Rawson, Milton
Dr. Walter Shortle, Milton
Caroline Plummer Butler, Alton
Jon Hotchkiss, Trustee Emeritus

Museum Staff

Jonathan Hotchkiss, Executive Director
Janet Hotchkiss, Program Director
Sean Skillings, Assistant Program Director
Rick Langley, Country Store Manager
Tom Sheehan, Volunteer Coordinator
Donna Moulton, Bookkeeper
Tinamarie Skillings, Membership Chair

Photo Credit – Beautiful aerial photography of the New Hampshire Farm Museum courtesy of John Gisis

Free Admission to Military Families

The New Hampshire Farm Museum is proud to be a Blue Star Museum, offering free admission to active-duty military members and their families year round. Our free admission program is available to Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Guard and Reserve members.

Founded in 2010, the Blue Star Museum Program is a collaboration among the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, the Department of Defense, and museums across America.