Old Stage & Tavern Days

Old Stage & Tavern Days

Old Stage & Tavern Days

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Visit the 1800s when people travelled by Stage Coach and stopped at the Jones Tavern for refreshments, an overnight, or to rest their team of horses. (The only people who stayed in the taverns were men!! Come discover why!)

Our coach will be available for picture taking before you embark on a house tour of the tavern with Sally Wooster Wallingford Jones. Sally will welcome visitors into the 1840s Jones Tavern. Travelers will enjoy a taste of tavern fare such as gingerbread and Raspberry Shrub, one of the most popular fruit drinks of the 19th century. Haymaker’s Switchel was another popular 19th century beverage, an old time energy drink, and a favorite of farmers in the hayfields. Medicinal remedies will be demonstrated by the tavern keeper’s wife.

Then tour the historic Jones farmhouse with guides in period dress. Visit demonstrations in the Blacksmith Shoppe. Explore the Pole Barn to see many antique wagons, carriages and antique tractors. Take a tractor ride to visit our pastures and visit our animals! Try your hand at candlemaking. There will be basket making demonstrations and more! Participate in hoop rolling and sack races on the lawn. Have fun with our Big Barn Scavenger Hunt in our 104’ long barn. Prizes awarded!

DATE: Saturday, July 23, 2022
TIME: 10:00 to 4:00

Bring a picnic to enjoy overlooking the Old Stage Road, or purchase your lunch from the Hot Dog truck. Visit the Apple Cider Mill and discover why apple cider was the most common drink in America in the 1700 and 1800s! Movie buffs can come see the actual carriage  housed in the Jones Barn, that was borrowed by Hollywood in the filming of “The Crucible.”

String Equinox will play bluegrass and country instrumentals


Adult: $10
Senior (65+): $7.50
Juvenile (4-17): $5
Family (2 adults + kids/grandkids): $25
Children under 4: FREE
Members and Active Military: FREE

Volunteer Opportunties
We are always looking for volunteers, actors, and craftsmen to help us with setting up events, hanging flyers, photography, role playing, and cleanup.
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Date And Time

July 23, 2022 @ 10:00 AM to
July 23, 2022 @ 04:00 PM

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